Table 2

ROX index calculation from pulse oximetry and ABG at admission

Total population (N=895)IMV (n=93)Non-IMV (n=802)P value
Admission pulse oximetry, mean (SD)
 SpO288.0 (1.25)86.2 (10.31)88.2 (6.78)0.080
 FiO227.7 (11.43)41.1 (22.36)25.8 (7.27)<0.001
 RR21.7 (6.12)24.8 (8.09)21.3 (5.62)<0.001
 Oximetry ROX index18.0 (5.41)13.4 (6.41)18.5 (5.01)<0.001
Admission ABG, mean (SD)
 pH7.4 (0.14)7.4 (0.10)7.4 (0.14)0.001
 PaO260.0 (19.2)66.7 (29.22)59.0 (17.08)0.013
 PCO233.3 (8.4)37.8 (15.05)32.7 (6.86)0.002
 FiO227.8 (11.4)41.1 (22.36)26.0 (7.28)<0.001
 Lactate2.4 (2.47)3.4 (3.93)2.1 (1.72)0.002
 PaO2:FiO2231.0 (72.05)190.8 (95.31)237.4 (65.51)<0.001
 ABG ROX index16.6 (5.51)11.5 (6.01)17.2 (5.10)<0.001
  • ABG, arterial blood gases; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; IMV, invasive mechanically ventilated patients; non-IMV, non-invasive mechanically ventilated patients; PaO2, arterial oxygen pressure; PaO2:FiO2, ratio of arterial oxygen pressure to fraction of inspired oxygen; PCO2, carbon dioxide partial pressure; ROX index, Respiratory rate-OXygenation index; RR, respiratory rate; SpO2, oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry.