Table 2

The proportion of positive and negative SARS-CoV-2 seroconversions

Total populationVD category
Severe deficiencyDeficiencyInsufficiencySufficiency
Total populationYes208 (54.9%)44 (73.3%)45 (45.9%)80 (53.0%)39 (55.7%)
No171 (45.1%)16 (26.7%)53 (54.1%)71 (47.0%)31 (44.3%)
MaleYes53 (54.6%)18 (85.7%)12 (44.4%)18 (51.4%)5 (35.7%)
No44 (45.4%)3 (14.3%)15 (55.6%)17 (48.6%)9 (64.3%)
FemaleYes155 (55.0%)26 (66.7%)33 (46.5%)62 (53.4%)34 (60.7%)
No127 (45.0%)13 (33.3%)38 (53.5%)54 (46.6%)22 (39.3%)
Age ≥50 (years)Yes56 (53.3%)9 (69.2%)11 (52.4%)22 (48.9%)14 (53.8%)
No49 (46.7%)4 (30.8%)10 (47.6%)23 (51.1%)12 (46.2%)
Age <50 (years)Yes152 (55.5%)35 (74.5%)34 (44.2%)58 (54.7%)25 (56.8%)
No122 (45.5%)12 (25.5%)43 (55.8%)48 (45.3%)19 (43.2%)
BAMEYes69 (65.7%)33 (78.6%)11 (55.0%)13 (50.0%)12 (70.6%)
No36 (34.3%)9 (21.4%)9 (45.0%)13 (50.0%)5 (29.4%)
WhiteYes139 (50.7%)11 (61.1%)34 (43.6%)67 (53.6%)27 (50.9%)
No135 (49.3 %)7 (38.9%)44 (56.4%)58 (46.4%)26 (49.1%)
BMI <30 (kg/m²)Yes156 (54.9%)32 (72.7%)30 (46.2%)62 (53.9%)32 (53.3%)
No128 (45.1%)12 (27.3%)35 (53.8%)53 (46.1%)28 (46.7%)
BMI ≥30 (kg/m²)Yes52 (54.7%)12 (75.0%)15 (45.5%)18 (50.0%)7 (70.0%)
No43 (45.3%)4 (25.0%)18 (54.5%)18 (50.0%)3 (30.0%)
1+ comorbiditiesYes74 (50.7%)15 (71.4%)12 (44.4%)30 (44.1%)17 (56.7%)
No72 (49.3%)6 (28.6%)15 (55.6%)38 (55.9%)13 (43.3%)
0 comorbiditiesYes134 (57.5%)29 (74.4%)33 (46.5%)50 (60.2%)22 (55.0%)
No99 (42.5%)10 (25.6%)38 (53.5%)33 (39.8%)18 (45.0%)
  • Seropositivity counts (proportions) are split by VD category (columns) and by a set of variables (rows). Seropositivity proportions within a row are defined as the count of SARS-CoV-2 seropositive (or seronegative) subjects within that VD category, divided by the total count within that group.

  • BAME, black, Asian and minority ethnic; BMI, body mass index; VD, vitamin D.