Combination of input variables | Lung pattern | Precision for test set (%) | Recall for test set (%) | F1 score for test set (%) |
Biometrics with spirometry and plethysmography | Normal | 91.60±2.99 | 88.30±4.35 | 89.87±3.10 |
Obstructive | 73.50±6.85 | 100.00 | 84.56±4.56 | |
Restrictive | 100.00 | 91.90±2.85 | 95.76±1.49 | |
Obstructive and restrictive | 100.00 | 96.00±8.43 | 97.78±4.68 | |
Biometrics with spirometry | Normal | 90.70±6.34 | 92.60±4.90 | 91.36±2.22 |
Obstructive | 89.60±11.67 | 85.90±17.21 | 86.28±10.87 | |
Restrictive | 89.90±6.37 | 88.00±7.39 | 88.67±4.51 | |
Obstructive and restrictive | 88.00±17.76 | 88.20±15.92 | 87.42±14.86 | |
Spirometry and plethysmography | Normal | 59.10±10.73 | 65.00±11.45 | 61.63±10.30 |
Obstructive | 50.80±42.04 | 35.70±29.29 | Undefined | |
Restrictive | 62.50±11.03 | 59.20±12.21 | 60.45±10.64 | |
Obstructive and restrictive | 38.20±29.72 | 59.60±44.28 | Undefined | |
Spirometry | Normal | 60.70±10.13 | 70.30±10.99 | 64.59±7.92 |
Obstructive | 51.50±34.16 | 49.00±36.74 | Undefined | |
Restrictive | 59.80±11.67 | 49.50±17.89 | 53.03±14.47 | |
Obstructive and restrictive | 44.00±24.76 | 59.00±41.55 | Undefined |
Mean±SD for the test sets of 10 experimental runs are shown. In these experiments, data from the initial 477 patients were used for training (80%), validation (10%) and test (10%) sets. For each run, the model randomly selected one test per patient. Biometric- variables are sex, age, height. Spirometry metrics included are FVC, FEV1, FEF25–75 and plethysmography metrics are RV and TLC. Undefined F1 score indicates that either precision, recall or both for that particular class was equal to zero for at least 1 of the 10 experimental runs.
FEF, forced mid-expiratory flow; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity; RV, residual volume; TLC, total lung capacity.