Subjective Assessment | Objective Assessment |
Standard for all Ax Subjective report of symptons Patient description of Sx (record words used by to describe Sx) Patients own awareness of breathing pattern Triggers to Sx Recovery techniques/easing factors Air hunger signs (yawning/sighing/clearing throat/tingling hands/feet) | Standard for all Ax Observation of breathing Mouth/nose breathing Upper/lower chest Respiratory rate Air hunger Accessory muscle use Rhythm of breathing |
Recommended for all Ax Sleep Quality/duration Social history Family Work Hobbies Psychological history History of psychological illness Stress and coping mechanisms Nasal symptoms Blocked or runny nose Sinus pain Postnasal drip Altered sense of smell Exercise ability Frequency of exercise Intensity of exercise Time spent on exercise Type of exercise Sx with exercise
General physical activity levels | Recommended for all Ax Observation of breathing Sounds on inspiration and expiration Inspiratory/expiratory ratio Exercise/functional symptoms (record method of Ax, for example, walk/ formal test/stairs) Changes to breathing pattern during Ax
Optional Ax or if specific history Voice/upper airway Voice changes for example, husky/strained/lost voice Closure/discomfort in throat Cough Effectiveness/ease of clearance Triggers Dry/rattling/productive Feeling of airway closure Sputum Presence Colour/consistency 24 hour volume | Optional Ax or if specific history Voice Upper airway sounds Voice quality Cough Nature/Type/Frequency Clearing throat Postural assessment ROM cervical/thoracic spine Core stability Diaphragm assessment Palpation Movement Core strength |
Patient reported outcome measures | Objective/observed outcome measures |
Recommended assessments Nijmegen Questionnaire40 | Recommended assessments BPAT Score14 |
Optional Short Evaluation of Breathing Questionnaire30 Dyspnea-1229 Optional PROM for Ax of psychological factors could include: PHQ-9, GAD-7, Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale | Optional Breath Hold Ax31 Manual Assessment of Respiratory Motion32 Exercise test, for example, 6MWT/CPET/SWT/stairs |
Ax, assessment; CPET, cardiopulmonary exercise test; HR, heart rate; 6MWT, six-minute walk test; PROM, patient reported outcome measure; ROM, range of movement; Sp02, saturation levels; SWT, shuttle Walk test; Sx, symptoms.