Table 3

Clinical characteristics of four groups

CharacteristicsLN/NAHN/NALN/ATHN/ATP value
Age (years)63.0±6.762.1±7.564.5±6.567.3±6.3*†‡ <0.001
Sex (male %)128 (90.8)81 (96.6)‡141 (96.6)‡199 (97.1)‡ 0.013
BMI23.6±3.123.4±3.121.8±3.2†‡21.0±3.1†‡ <0.001
Smoking status (%)
Never smoked18 (12.8)17 (18.9)9 (6.2)†14 (6.8)†
Former smoking25 (17.7)20 (22.2)48 (32.9)‡75 (36.6)‡
Current smoking98 (69.5)53 (58.9)89 (61.0)116 (61.2)
Smoking index (pack-year)41.4±34.733.8±30.840.9±32.639.9±30.90.308
GOLD stage (%)** <0.001
Stage I/II/III/IV61.0/39.0/0/063.4/33.3/3.3/026.0/57.5/12.3/4.124.4/51.7/11.5/1.5
Respiratory symptoms
 Chronic cough (n, %)49 (34.8)34 (37.8)69 (47.3)112 (54.6)‡ <0.001
 Chronic sputum69 (48.9)44 (48.9)85 (58.2)130 (63.4)†‡ 0.023
 Dyspnoea43 (30.5)32 (35.6)79 (54.1)†‡115 (42.8)†‡ <0.001
 CAT scores≥109 (6.4)12 (13.3)28 (19.2)‡60 (29.3)†‡ <0.001
 Exacerbation in the preceding year (%)7 (5.0)14 (15.6)33 (22.6)‡38 (18.5)‡ <0.001
Previous respiratory disease7 (5.0)7 (7.8)17 (11.6)8 (3.9)*0.028
 Asthma5 (3.5)3 (3.3)5 (3.4)3 (18.8)0.579
 Tuberculosis2 (1.4)3 (3.3)10 (6.8)†‡4 (2.0)* 0.035
 Bronchiectasis0 (0.0)1 (1.1)2 (1.4)1 (0.5)0.507
Inhaled medications5 (3.5)5 (5.6)14 (9.6)17 (8.3)0.181
 LAMA§2 (1.4)2 (2.2)2 (1.4)6 (2.9)0.704
 LABA§4 (2.8)2 (2.2)13 (8.9)11 (5.4)0.062
 ICS§3 (2.1)2 (2.2)10 (6.8)10 (4.9)0.169
pre-bronchodilator FEV1% predicted78.6±14.380.1±17.563.3±20.0†‡60.6±19.8*†‡ <0.001
pre-bronchodilator FVC% predicted103.3±17.3101.2±18.199.5±18.586.2±19.0*†‡ <0.001
pre-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC54.8±8.758.5±8.4‡59.8±8.4‡52.778±11.9*† <0.001
1-year follow-upN=119N=78N=133N=191
 Exacerbation≥1/year (%)32 (26.9)22 (28.2)37 (27.8)74 (38.7)0.071
 Severe exacerbation (%)19 (16.0)18 (23.1)28 (21.1)61 (31.9)‡ 0.010
 Exacerbation≥2/year (%)7 (5.9)10 (12.8)17 (12.8)29 (15.2)0.105
  • Data are presented by means±SD or number (percentages). Continuous variables were analysed by one-way analysis of variance with the Bonferroni method for multiple comparisons. Categorical variables were analysed by chi-square analysis with the Bonferroni method for multiple comparisons.

  • Bold indicates p<0.05.

  • *Compared with LN/AT group. P value less than 0.05.

  • †Compared with HN/NA group. P value less than 0.05.

  • ‡Compared with LN/NA group. P value less than 0.05.

  • §Used alone or in combination.

  • **The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) staging system is used to assess the severity of lung disease. Stages range from I to IV. Stage I is defined as an FEV1 of 80% or more of the predicted value. Stage II is defined as an FEV1 between 50 and 79% of the predicted value. Stage III is defined as an FEV1 between 30 and 49% of the predicted value. Stage IV is defined as an FEV1 less than 30% of the predicted value.

  • BMI, body mass index; CAT, COPD Assessment Test; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC, forced vital capacity; HN/AT, high levels of sputum neutrophil proportion/air trapping; HN/NA, high levels of sputum neutrophil proportion/non-air trapping; ICS, inhaled corticosteroids; LABA, long-acting beta-agonists; LAMA, long-acting muscarinic antagonists; LN/AT, low levels of sputum neutrophil proportion/air trapping; LN/NA, low levels of sputum neutrophil proportion/non-air trapping.