Table 2

Multivariable logistic regression analysis of allele dosage of rs4072037 and serum KL-6 levels

VariableKL-6Critical outcomes
aOR95% CIP valueaOR95% CIP value
Allele dosage0.240.18 to 0.32<0.0011.110.80 to 1.540.547
Age1.051.04 to 1.06<0.0011.061.04 to 1.07<0.001
Sex, male1.781.29 to 2.64<0.0012.11.41 to 3.14<0.001
  • Adjusted OR was estimated using logistic regression with adjustments for age and sex.

  • aOR, adjusted OR; KL-6, Krebs von den Lungen-6.