Table 1

Meta-analysed characteristics of AO compared with asthma-only and COPD-only in population-based and clinic-based cohorts

Population-based cohortsAsthma-based cohortsCOPD-based cohorts
 Age (years), mean (95% CI)63.8 (59.4–68.3)62.5 (55.8–69.2)65.6 (60.1–71.0)61.7 (60.7–62.7)58.7 (55.9–61.5)65.6 (63.3–67.9)67.0 (64.7–69.4)
 Female, prop (95% CI)53.3 (50.5–56.0)64.4 (59.1–69.7)46.9 (42.9–51.0)42.3 (34.1–50.6)60.6 (57.1–64.1)30.7 (6.1–55.3)22.3 (8.5–36.1)
 BMI (kg/m2), mean (95% CI)26.7 (26.4–26.9)28.5 (27.8–29.2)26.2 (26.1–26.4)26.4 (24.5–28.4)28.3 (26.0–30.6)27.7 (26.1–29.3)27.3 (26.4–28.2)
 Underweight, prop (95% CI)1.0 (0.5–1.5)0.2 (0.0–0.5)0.9 (0.2–1.6)1.6 (0.0–3.4)0.8 (0.0–2.6)3.7 (1.7–5.7)2.6 (1.0–4.3)
 Normal weight, prop (95% CI)36.4 (32.3–40.4)23.4 (19.5–27.2)38.7 (35.7–41.6)40.4 (23.3–57.4)28.3 (21.9–34.7)28.4 (14.2–42.5)30.3 (22.6–37.9)
 Overweight, prop (95% CI)42.9 (36.9–48.9)42.1 (39.2–45.1)45.0 (40.8–49.2)41.4 (34.3–48.5)40.1 (29.5–50.7)36.9 (33.6–40.1)38.2 (35.3–41.0)
 Obese, prop (95% CI)18.5 (16.4–20.6)35.0 (27.6–42.3)15.4 (13.7–17.1)16.3 (0.0–32.8)31.1 (12.3–50.0)23.2 (20.1–26.3)27.9 (21.4–34.3)
 Never smoker, prop (95% CI)29.7 (24.4–35.0)37.9 (34.4–41.5)22.3 (17.4–27.1)10.2 (5.2–15.1)26.2 (0.0–61.1)6.4 (0.0–15.2)1.7 (0.0–3.9)
 Former smoker, prop (95% CI)52.8 (50.0–55.5)52.8 (46.7–59.0)49.2 (39.5–59.0)43.7 (17.0–70.3)34.2 (30.8–37.7)66.5 (63.3–69.6)61.2 (44.0–78.4)
 Current smoker, prop (95% CI)17.4 (9.2–25.5)9.3 (6.4–12.1)28.4 (19.7–37.2)46.3 (14.7–77.9)39.7 (3.7–75.7)21.3 (5.1–37.5)37.1 (18.6–55.5)
 Pack-years, mean (95% CI)21.2 (16.5–25.9)15.4 (11.2–19.5)25.3 (21.6–29.0)18.2 (11.4–25.0)17.5 (13.5–21.5)44.1 (34.5–53.8)57.2 (47.2–67.2)
 mMRC score≥2, prop (95% CI)38.8 (21.9–55.7)24.4 (5.6–43.2)14.8 (0.4–29.2)54.7 (46.1–63.3)40.0 (35.7–44.2)51.3 (31.4–71.2)46.3 (32.4–60.2)
 Allergic disease history, prop (95% CI)75.7 (73.0–78.5)74.9 (72.4–77.4)42.9 (41.7–44.0)70.3 (47.3–93.3)73.2 (61.9–84.4)44.1 (21.2–66.9)29.9 (24.0–35.8)
 Chronic bronchitis, prop (95% CI)20.3 (10.9–29.8)14.4 (9.7–19.2)10.4 (5.6–15.2)31.7 (1.8–61.5)23.3 (0.0–46.9)57.2 (31.1–83.2)53.3 (34.9–71.7)
 Emphysema, prop (95% CI)47.8 (4.4–91.1)46.5 (4.5–88.6)
 FEV1 (%) predicted, mean (95% CI)75.0 (69.7–80.3)95.1 (92.5–97.8)81.8 (76.0–87.7)54.9 (41.1–68.6)80.4 (66.5–94.4)51.7 (45.2–58.1)51.1 (46.5–55.7)
 FVC (%) predicted, mean (95% CI)93.0 (85.5–100.5)95.9 (92.1–99.7)97.8 (90.4–105.1)78.9 (76.2–81.6)88.8 (82.8–94.7)77.2 (72.9–81.5)77.1 (74.3–79.9)
 FEV1/FVC (%), mean (95% CI)61.6 (59.7–63.6)77.0 (76.4–77.6)63.9 (63.4–64.5)54.2 (41.2–67.2)72.8 (57.7–87.8)51.6 (46.3–56.9)50.2 (46.3–54.1)
  Peripheral blood WBC (109 cells/L),
  mean (95% CI)
6.7 (5.7–7.8)6.6 (5.5–7.7)6.9 (5.4–8.4)8.8 (7.8–9.7)7.6 (7.2–8.0)7.9 (7.7–8.1)7.7 (7.2–8.2)
 BEC above 300 cells/µL, prop (95% CI)28.3 (25.3–31.2)18.0 (15.7–20.2)15.7 (14.8–16.5)47.0 (34.9–59.0)35.9 (29.4–42.4)24.0 (20.1–27.9)18.6 (11.1–26.0)
 Serum CRP (mg/dL), median (IQR)*2.2 (3.5)2.1 (3.8)3.0 (3.8)3.7 (5.0)
 Serum IgE (ie,/mL), median (IQR)*120 (292)110 (221)78 (192)54 (116)
  • *Summary statistics of individual cohorts were meta-analysed, except for CRP and IgE for which only single-study data were available.

  • AO, asthma with airflow obstruction; BEC, blood eosinophil counts; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CRP, C reactive protein; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEV1/FVC, ratio of FEV1 to FVC; FVC, forced vital capacity; IgE, immunoglobulin E; mMRC, modified Medical Research Council Dyspnoea; WBC, white blood cell count.