Table 1

Summary of study characteristics

(author, year)
Industry fundingSeverity score used for defining severe CAPNumber of patientsType of corticosteroidCorticosteroid dosing strategyTiming of treatment initiationEquivalent cumulative dose of dexamethasone *
Marik et al34 1993United StatesOpen-labelNot reportedBTS and ICU admission301614HydrocortisoneHydrocortisone 10 mg/kg IV 30 min before antibiotics30 mins prior to starting antibiotic therapy28 mg
Confalonieri et al30 2005ItalyDouble-blinded, placebo-controlledNot reportedATS 1993, and ICU or RICU admission462323HydrocortisoneHydrocortisone 200 mg IV bolus followed by 10 mg/h IV for 7 daysNot reported75 mg
El Ghamrawy et al35 2006Saudi ArabiaDouble-blinded, placebo-controlledNot reportedATS 2001341717HydrocortisoneHydrocortisone 200 mg IV bolus followed by 10 mg/h for 7 daysNot reported75 mg
Snijders et al31 2010The
Double-blinded, placebo-controlledNoCURB-65>2 or PSI class IV-V934548PrednisolonePrednisolone 40 mg IV or orally for 7 daysNot reported42 mg
Sabry et al36 2011EgyptDouble-blinded, placebo-controlledNoATS 2007804040HydrocortisoneHydrocortisone 200 mg IV bolus, followed by hydrocortisone 12.5 mg/h IV for 7 daysNot reported92 mg
Fernández-Serrano et al32 2011SpainDouble-blinded, placebo-controlledNoRespiratory failure (PaO2/FiO2<300)452223MethylprednisoloneMethylprednisolone 200 mg IV bolus, followed by tapering infusion (20 mg/6 hour for 3 days, 20 mg/12 hours for 3 days, and 20 mg/day for 3 days) over 9 days30 min before starting the antibiotic treatment117 mg
Torres et al33 2015SpainDouble-blinded, placebo-controlledNoModified ATS criteria or PSI V1205961MethylprednisoloneMethylprednisolone 0.5 mg/kg IV twice daily for 5 daysWithin 36 hours of hospital admission70 mg
Wittermans et al7 2021The
Double-blinded, placebo-controlledYesPSI IV-V1567977DexamethasoneDexamethasone 6 mg oral daily for 4 daysWithin 24 hours of emergency department presentation24 mg
Meduri et al6 2022United StatesDouble-blinded, placebo-controlledNoModified ATS/IDSA criteria, and ICU or intermediate admission563277286MethylprednisoloneMethylprednisolone 40 mg bolus followed by methylprednisolone 40 mg daily on days 1–7, 20 mg daily on days 8–14, 12 mg daily on days 15–17 and 4 mg daily on days 18–20.On the day of randomisation96 mg
Dequin et al8 2023FranceDouble-blinded, placebo-controlledNoInitiation of MV, initiation of high-flow nasal canula, PaO2:FiO2 ratio<300, or PSI V795395400HydrocortisoneHydrocortisone 200 mg IV daily for 4 days. A total of 8 or 14 days of hydrocortisone course determined by predefined clinical criteria.
200 mg IV hydrocortisone daily on day 1–7, 100 mg daily on day 8–11 and 50 mg daily on day 12–14 in 14 days treatment.
200 mg IV hydrocortisone daily on day 1–4, 100 mg daily on day 5–6 and 50 mg daily on day 7–8 in 8 days treatment.
Within 24 hours of onset of any severity criterion: requirement of mechanical ventilation, high flow nasal cannula with PaO2:FiO2<300 and FiO2>50%, or nonbreathing mask with PaO2:FiO2<300 and FiO2>50%, PSI index score>13044 mg or 78 mg
  • *Corticosteroid converted to dexamethasone equivalent dose for 70 kg adult. Note that the conversion factors were as follows: dexamethasone:hydrocortisone 1:25; dexamethasone: prednisolone 1:6.7; dexamethasone:methylprednisolone 1:5.3. Equivalent cumulative dose of dexamethasone was rounded off to the nearest whole number.

  • ATS, American Thoracic Society; BTS, British Thoracic Society; CORB, Confusion, Oxygenation, Respiratory rate, Blood pressure; CURB-65, Confusion, blood Urea nitrogen, Respiratory rate, Blood pressure, and age 65 or older; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; ICU, intensive care unit; IDSA, Infectious Disease Society of America; IV, intravenous; MV, mechanical ventilation; PaO2, arterial blood oxygen pressure; PEEP, positive end expiratory pressure; PSI, Pneumonia Severity Index; RICU, respiratory intensive care unit.