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NICE clinical guideline: bronchiolitis in children
  1. Emma Caffrey Osvald1,
  2. Jane R Clarke2
  1. 1Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
  2. 2Respiratory Department, Birmingham Children's Hospital, Birmingham, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Jane R Clarke, Respiratory Department, Birmingham Children's Hospital, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham, B4 6NH, UK; jane.clarke{at}

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Information about current guideline

Bronchiolitis is a lower respiratory tract infection commonly seen in children less than 1 year of age.1 ,2 Predominantly occurring in winter months, bronchiolitis is in the majority managed in the primary care setting, but it contributes to a significant proportion of the admissions to paediatric wards with a small number requiring intensive care. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline ‘Bronchiolitis in Children’ was published in June 2015.1 It aims to direct management of bronchiolitis in both primary and secondary care. The guideline was developed by the National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health.

Previous guideline

This is the first NICE guideline that covers bronchiolitis. The Scottish Intercollegiate College Network published a guideline in 2006 detailing diagnosis, management and prevention of bronchiolitis.3 The American Association of Paediatrics published a guideline with a similar scope in October 2014.2 Traditionally, there is discrepancy in terminology between the UK and the USA, with clinical conditions described in the UK as virus-induced wheeze or infantile asthma termed bronchiolitis in USA. This makes it difficult to compare studies and guidelines (see table 1 and box 1).

Box 1

Resources (link to NICE guideline and full guideline) (link to public information on bronchiolitis in children in English) (link to guideline tools and resources)

NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

Table 1

Management of bronchiolitis: a comparison between guidelines

Key issues of the guideline recommends

For diagnosis and referral

  • Measure percutaneous oxygen saturation (SpO2) by a health professional with appropriate training for SpO2 measurement in infants and children.

  • Urgently refer children with signs of severe illness: apnoea, severe respiratory distress, central cyanosis, persisting SpO2 <92%, inadequate fluid intake.

  • Consider referring children with increased respiratory rate >60 breaths/min, decreased oral fluid intake or clinical dehydration.

  • Be mindful of differential diagnoses of bronchiolitis, which include virus-induced wheeze and pneumonia.

For admission and management

  • Admit children with symptoms suggesting severe illness.

  • Consider admission in those particularly at risk of severe illness (see box 2).

  • Consider physiotherapy in children with bronchiolitis and other comorbidities who might have difficulty clearing secretions.

  • Give supplemental oxygen to children with persistent SpO2 <92%.

  • Give continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to children with impending respiratory failure.

  • Do not use pharmacological interventions in the treatment of bronchiolitis: adrenaline, hypertonic saline (HS), salbutamol, montelukast, ipratropium bromide, systemic or inhaled corticosteroids.

  • Consider supportive fluid management as orogastric (OG) or nasogastric (NG) feed for those with inadequate oral intake. Intravenous fluids are indicated for children who cannot tolerate OG/NG feed or in those with respiratory failure.

Box 2

Risk of severe disease

Chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease, infants <3 months, prematurity (<32/40), neuromuscular disease, immunodeficiency.

For discharge

  • Consider discharge when the infant is clinically stable, is tolerating feeds and has had SpO2 >92% in room air for >4 h including during a period of sleep.

  • Provide information on the importance of avoiding environmental smoke exposure because of its deleterious effects on a child with bronchiolitis.

Underlying evidence base/methodology

This, like all NICE recommendations, is based on systematic reviews of research evidence. Where no substantive clinical research evidence is found, the recommendation will be based on other evidence-based guidelines or the collective experience of the Guideline Development Group (see box 1).

What do I need to know

 What should I stop doing?

  • Undertaking routine blood testing or capillary gas testing.

  • Routinely performing chest radiographs.

  • Administering nebulised HS.

What should I start doing?

  • Perform upper airway suctioning in babies with apnoea.

  • Empower parents and caregivers looking after children with bronchiolitis at home to recognise signs, which should prompt a clinical review (see box 3).

Box 3

Red flags

Worsening respiratory distress, decreased fluid intake less than 50%–75% of normal, no wet nappy for 12 h, exhaustion, apnoea/cyanosis.

What can I continue to do as before?

  • Convey child's degree of respiratory distress and hydration status when referring to secondary care.

  • Recognise signs of respiratory insufficiency.

  • Provide supportive care to maintain hydration and oxygenation.

What should I do differently?

  • Deciding to refer or discharge a patient should depend on carer's ability to manage bronchiolitis in the home.

  • Using persistent SpO2 <92% as a cut-off for commencing oxygen therapy.

Unresolved controversies

Nebulised HS (usually 3%) became part of UK paediatric practice for the management of bronchiolitis, following the publication of several studies and a Cochrane review from 2013, which stated that ‘current evidence suggests nebulised 3% saline may significantly reduce the length of hospital stay among infants hospitalised with non-severe acute viral bronchiolitis and improve the clinical severity score in both outpatient and inpatient populations’.4 The AAP bronchiolitis guideline recommends its use in infants with bronchiolitis requiring hospital admission.2 However, further studies have not shown such benefit. The UK SABRE study,5 a randomised open trial, did not show HS to be of any benefit over conventional secondary care management, and similar conclusions were drawn from a further meta-analysis.5 ,6 The current NICE guidelines do not advise use of HS. Four editorials address this controversy.7–10

No evidence exists as to the optimal target SpO2 for supplemental oxygen therapy for bronchiolitis. A recent double-blind randomised equivalence trial compared SpO2 90% versus SpO2 94% as thresholds for supplementary oxygen. The study concluded that a target SpO2 of 90% is as safe and clinically effective as 94%.11

While supplementary oxygen is currently recommended for infants whose SpO2 is <92% in air, the type of administration is not specified. There is currently insufficient evidence to show any benefit for use of heated humidified high-flow nasal cannula oxygen.12 ,13 This is despite the widespread use in paediatric practice, including general paediatric wards. Studies are urgently needed to assess the potential benefits, for example, length of stay, prevention of HDU and paediatric intensive care unit admissions and prevention of need for CPAP respiratory support. Evidence-based weaning schedules are also needed to ensure that the additional equipment and consumables, together with potential staffing issues, are cost effective.

Clinical bottom line

This National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guideline provides evidence-based best practice advice for the management of bronchiolitis in children, which is very common and can be serious. The take-home messages are:

  • The diagnosis of bronchiolitis remains clinical; assessment of severity is based on clinical signs, together with measurement of oxygen saturation.

  • Management of bronchiolitis for the small proportion of infants requiring admission to secondary care is supportive, and includes supplementary oxygen to maintain SpO2 above 92% and feeding support (orogastric/nasogastric feeds) or intravenous fluids when oral feeding is inadequate.

  • There is no evidence that hypertonic saline or any other pharmacological treatment (other than supplementary oxygen) is of any benefit in bronchiolitis.



  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

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